Reading Catch-Up

READ = 9 / TOTAL 2013 = 23 GOAL 53 – 23 = 30 LEFT TO GO I know, I know. I’ve disappeared. But one should note that when I disappear that it is a good thing. That typically means that I am feeling good and travelling and really busy. Too busy to even update the […]
February Reading

Read = 7 Total 2013 = 14 Goal 53 – 14 = 39 left to go I got through a few books in the Month of February. Several thrillers that had to do with dysfunctional teenagers. I’m not entirely sure how I got on the kick of psychotic teenagers, but I flew through these few novels. […]
What I’m Reading – Jan 2013

I made it a personal goal for 2013 to read at least 1 book a week for a total of 52 books. I actually said I would read 53 books this year just to up it by one. So far things are looking good with a strong start for January. Granted, I was travelling during […]
New Bill Bryson book – Seeing Further: The Story of Science, Discovery, and the Genius of the Royal Society

I am a big fan of Bill Bryson books. He started out as mainly a travel writer, but in the past few books he has ventured more into topics that might be considered mundane like the history of objects in a house. I love his writing style. It is informative and playful. He does a […]
Recommended Reading for October 2011

I was having a bit of a bad run of reading in the past few months, so it was a refreshing surprise to have hit three good books in a row. Finally! Things that I recommend for this month? Super Sad True Love Story – by Gary Shtenygart The Art of Fielding – by Chad […]
Small Magazine – fashion for the little ones

I love Small Magazine. It is an online magazine that was created by two best friends that manages to be merge art and fashion for kids beautifully. It is published every month and I always look forward to seeing what great fashion spreads they have and what interesting tidbits and tips will be shared. This […]