READ = 9 / TOTAL 2013 = 23
GOAL 53 – 23 = 30 LEFT TO GO
I know, I know. I’ve disappeared. But one should note that when I disappear that it is a good thing. That typically means that I am feeling good and travelling and really busy. Too busy to even update the blog or to gather my thoughts. Well, I am back for a moment and trying to catch up on all the mundane things that life offers.
In my time offline, I have been reading a lot. Trying to keep up with my 53 books in a year pledge. These are the books that I have been reading.
- White Oleander by Janet Fitch
- Tampa by Alissa Nutting
- Venus on Fire Mars on Ice: Hormonal Balance by John Gray
- Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity
- Angler: The Cheney Presidency by Barton Gellman
- The Baby Matrix by Laura Carroll
- The Game by Neil Strauss
- The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro
- A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra
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