Foster puppy Ketchup Skywalker

I’ve been fostering this little guy and he is adorable and sweet as can be. If anyone is interested in adopting this cute puppy he is available through ARF Tulsa.
Fancy Mac and Cheese

Fancy Mac and Cheese 1.5 cups Crimini mushrooms 1.5 cups sliced Shitake mushrooms 2 tbsp olive oil 1.5 tbsp apple cider vinegar 4 tbsp butter (about half a cube) 3 cups whole milk (warmed) 3 oz Appenzeller cheese (grated) 5 oz Emmethal cheese (grated – 2oz for sauce / 3oz for topping) 5 oz […]
Transferring an Out of State Driver License to Oklahoma

Things I’ve learned this week in the grand Tulsa adventure. How to transfer my California Driver License to an Oklahoma License. The good news is that a Driver License from another state can be transferred to Oklahoma without having to take a written or drive test. If the applicants driving record meets the standards set […]
The Journey to Tulsa

The last month has been a bit of a marathon. I spent the month packing up my Castro apartment in anticipation of the Tulsa move, saying goodbye to all my friends all while still trying to work. It was a lot. I haven’t moved in the last 9 1/2 years, so the amount of stuff […]
FYI I’m Moving to Tulsa – CBS Sunday Morning

According to CBS Sunday Morning, I’m moving to Tulsa. I really am. I’m moving. To Tulsa!
San Francisco, I love you but you’re bringing me down

This post has been a month or so in the works, but I first wanted to spend some time to clean up and make it a functional site again. I’ve been using it for the past several years as a way to publish my Instagram, but I really would like to get into the […]
Letter by Great Grandmother About 1906 SF Earthquake

My dad came across this letter written by his Grandmother, Georgie McCormick née Bevell (my Great Grandmother), about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Today is the 110th anniversary of the earthquake so I decided to share it. There are some shocking similarities to today’s San Francisco that remind me that we can all be hit […]
Desperately Seeking Noma Tokyo Dinner Date

‘Desperately seeking’ is actually kind of a stretch (I’m not that desperate) and a play on that good old Madonna movie. I never really bought into the Rosanna Arquette being Madonna thing, but that is another story… I am actually here to talk about finding a date for my birthday dinner, so read on. […]
Year in Photos 2014
According to Google this is my year in photos 2014. Not quite sure it encapsulates the year in photos, but it is cute.
Fixing Grandma Ginger’s Watch
There is a great legend in the Robesky family about Grandma Ginger. Well, there are a few, but this one always made me laugh and kind of exemplifies good old Ginger. For Christmas one year Robley (my grandfather) asked Ginger what she wanted for Christmas. Ginger made a list. The list went something like: Exercise bike […]