My Health Update

It seems that for a bit I was starting to slip back into lupus activity. That has now be corrected. Thank goodness for CellCept!
Two Years

Came across some photos from two years ago and was kind of shocked at what a big difference between now and then so I took a pic in the same pose. Two years ago this week I had just started chemo. I had gotten out of the hospital after having severe brain seizures (yep, 7 […]
Where is Nerdgirl?
I have been super bad at updating the site lately. There are a few reasons for this. One of them is I tend not to write when things are going well because I am feeling so good that I don’t want to tie myself down on this blog and would prefer to enjoy the moment. And then the […]
Cookbook that doesn’t suck? Yay, Paleo!

I’ve gone through a bunch of dietary changes in the last years. I guess this is just par for the course when you live in San Francisco and everyone is obsessed with talking about what they eat… I find that Paleo kind of suits me. No grains, no legumes, no sugar – basically no carbs. […]
Shingle Bells

Today took an interesting turn in my neverending joke of health. I woke up with a searing pain on my back, reached back and felt bumps. I took a look in the mirror and there were lovely red spots which hadn’t been there the night before. I rushed off to One Medical – thankfully […]
Healthy Me

After my many rants of being a fat fat fatty, I’ve gone on a health kick to get back in better shape. This is what my life is consisting of. Veg and tuna and cutting the carbs and sugar. Wish me luck.
We’ve come a long way, baby

Last year at this time I wasn’t doing so hot. Well today marked a great milestone for me. I walked to the gym and back without my handy cane. And I didn’t fall over. Slowly, but surely.
The Price of Health?

I have been getting all great results back from my bloodwork that I have been doing. Yay! I guess that means that my body is healthy again. I have been feeling a million times better apart from the fact that my walking is painful and slow. I’m still tired and need to nap every day, […]
Don’t make me hit you…

I had a little incident today that made me a bit indignant and made me act out in a completely American way that I was somewhat embarrassed by in retrospect, but at the time I couldn’t help myself. I guess I feel the need to come clean here to somehow justify my rude behavior. As […]
The New Normal – Living with a Chronic Illness

I have to come clean here. I have to admit to the world – and probably more to myself – that I am a person with a chronic disease. Yep. There I said it. I know that most of you know that I have lupus. I mean, come on, it is the subtitle of my […]