Volcano training!

Taken with picplz at California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, CA.

Awesome Google Chrome extension: VisivoTab

This is a really simple, yet beautiful extension that displays a different image from Visivo (Mollie)'s flickr account.  They are great photos and it makes me happy every time I open a new browser tab.  My favorite is the little puppy in a hat. Get it now: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fodkjpiagmpgpiohhgddelbodadfjkkm

This just made my year…

BEST. CAPTION. EVER.  (and also completely true) Read the full article here: http://www.businessinsider.com/rdio-vs-spotify-2011-7

The Whole Foods double bag conundrum

Here is something that perplexes me everytime I come home from Whole Foods.   What is up with the double bagging? I mean, I get it, the stuff in the bags is way too heavy to be supported in a single bag so they double bag it.  But it would seem to me that a […]

Google Cloud Print – who knew?!?

I was just playing around in my Google Chrome preferences when I came across a weird setting called Google Cloud Print. That seemed a bit odd, so I clicked on it.  Turns out that there is a Google service called Google Cloud Print that allows you to print to your printers from any device.  Who […]

Why I subscribe to the Sunday NY Times home delivery

As much of a digital person as I tend to be, I still subscribe to the Sunday NY Times home delivery service.  First of all, the Sunday Times evokes this romantic fantasy of mine about lounging around on a Sunday mid-morning drinking a cup of coffee and talking to my beloved about the arts section.  The reality […]

Get Amazon Prime for free (sort of) hack

Did you know that you can share your Amazon Prime membership with up to 4 other accounts?  Yep.  That means that only 1 person has to pay and then the rest can benefit from it.  Or better yet, divide the $79 up amongst yourselves. This isn’t exactly a hack, rather I would like to think […]

California Wants to Require LGBT History in the Classroom

Adding to laws requiring schools to teach historical contributions of women and various racial and ethnic groups, California’s state assembly passed a bill this week that would make lessons on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people mandatory in public schools. If California’s governor does not veto the bill, the state will become the first in […]