As much of a digital person as I tend to be, I still subscribe to the Sunday NY Times home delivery service. First of all, the Sunday Times evokes this romantic fantasy of mine about lounging around on a Sunday mid-morning drinking a cup of coffee and talking to my beloved about the arts section. The reality of the situation is that by the time the Sunday times rolls in I have read most of the articles online already via my iPad, the website or my Android. The one section that I keep sacred is the Weddings/Celebrations. I try to not read these online and savour the stories in paper and pick apart the couple photos.
Because I mostly read online / on app I thought of getting only the digital subscription, but found the pricing to be off-putting. I thought I would share with you how I ended up coming to the conclusion that home delivery was the best option and let you decide if I made the right choice.
Digital Subscription pricing (monthly):
NYTimes.com + smartphone app (ie, my Android) = $15
NYTimes.com + iPad app = $20
That means that I was left in an either / or situation. I could either use Android phone or my iPad. This seems a bit harsh because the Android version is far less superior to the iPad version, but I still wanted to use my subscription on either device and online.
There is a third option called All Digital Access:
NYTimes.com + smartphone app + tablet = $35
I’m all for paying for my journalism, but kind of felt like there was something wrong in that pricing policy. It made me feel cheated and I’m not quite sure why.
So then I started looking into home delivery because I do still love the Sunday times on my doorstep.
Turns out that any home delivery subscription gives you the All Digital Access package free. That includes unlimited access to NYTimes.com + smartphone + tablet AND you get the Sunday Times delivered. The cost of Sunday delivery? $7.50 per week which equals out to $32.50 per month. So you actually save $2.50 per month (not a huge savings, but whatever) and you get more than just the digital subscription. Whoop!
I kind of feel like I cheated the system when in reality I think that some smart marketing person tricked me into a home delivery subscription. Alas, I still love my NYTimes and think it is worth it in either case.
Today the NY Times announced that as a home delivery subscriber I can now also give free All Digital Access to another family member at no additional charge. Another great perk and reason to get the Sunday Times!
What are you waiting for? Subscribe the home delivery now.