cotton ball expose

Another way that corporations exploit stupid women. By making the same product, naming it something different, changing the colour to pink and then charging them more. Examples of this: Razors – you can buy the blue ones and they do the same job as the pink ones and the male ones are usually cheaper. Yeast […]
this day in nerdgirl history

my first perfectly soft-boiled egg aka the great soft-boiled egg caper I have been on a mission this week. A mission to make the perfect soft-boiled egg. This might sound a little bit easier than it actually turned out to be… My infatuation with soft-boiled eggs started in Croatia whilst breakfasting with the Austrians who […]
no kool aid for me today, mr jobs

Everyone is up in a tizzy about the announcement of the new iPhone from Apple. Everyone but me, it seems… Apple claims that this is a “breakthrough Internet device”. I’m finding it hard to believe this and I’ll state my reasons why in a minute. Now don’t get me wrong, I do like Apple. I […]