Everyone is up in a tizzy about the announcement of the new iPhone from Apple. Everyone but me, it seems…
Apple claims that this is a “breakthrough Internet device”. I’m finding it hard to believe this and I’ll state my reasons why in a minute.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do like Apple. I love my iPod. There are a few design issues, but overall it works. And it is beautiful. Apple is good at putting out the same products that other people put out, but making them so much more appealing visually. They are the kings of aesthetics and for that they should be applauded. As far as user interfaces go they are, by and large, ahead of their field, but it shouldn’t be said that their UIs are completely flawless.
I guess this is where I differ from a large audience of Apple fanatics…

steve jobs #1 fan
I don’t buy into everything that Mr. Jobs puts out. I don’t stay up late to watch the Apple announcements salivating at the prospect of the next greatest thing. I won’t drink the kool aid without questioning what is in the cup first…
The Macbook is pretty. Revolutionary? Hardly. MacOSX? Pretty. Revolutionary? Hardly.
I know I’m going to get some comments here calling me a hater. I’m not. It isn’t that I lean towards one platform or the other. (And I am defintely not praising Microsoft.) I think that Apple has a tremendous marketing team and generally puts out good products. But for everyone to be so excited about the new iPhone comes as a bit of a shock…
Let’s take a look at the “breakthrough” features of the iPhone and compare it with say an i-Mate Jasjar running Pocket PC or other mobile phones.