The Great Agile Lie

Oh Agile. How I love thee. You are the buzzword of a thousand startups. Well, you and your friend Ruby on Rails and terminology like “lean” and “pivot”. But is your startup really agile? Agile sounds like a dream for most people. Product owners get to write less specs and change requirements on the fly, […]
Diversity in startups (or lack therefore of)

20 something tech boys (white / asian / indian) Ping pong table Apple laptops (apart from the net ops folks on unix) Females in Marketing / PR or Customer Service (sorry, ladies, but it is mostly true) Does this sound like your startup? If so, then you aren’t alone. This is the cookie cutter of […]
Oddest business pitch I ever received

In my time in the venture world I saw many a pitch. Some were amazing, some were not so great and some were plain out jacked up. Like I wanted to go home and crawl into my bed and suck my thumb kind of f*ed up. This was one of those pitches… I wish I […]
Bitcasa – Dropbox totally in the cloud?

This is one thing that I have been struggling with lately on Dropbox. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE Dropbox, but I do not love that my files are all on my machine taking up about 30GIG of space. I do realize that I have the option of selective syncing my folders, but then I […]
Please, God. I hope this is a joke. CLOO – toilet sharing app

If this isn’t a joke, then it is definitely a sign of a BUBBBBBBLLLLLLEEEEEEEE (in case you weren’t already convinced). Honestly, I really don’t want random people showing up at my doorstep to take a dump. But, hey, maybe that is just me. Here’s a riddle: How many public bathrooms are there in your city? […]
This makes me want to invest in Groupon

via CEO of Groupon, Andrew Mason, gives us a little yoga lesson backlit by a Christmas tree in his underwear. I don’t know what could be better than this. It seriously makes me reconsider all of the negative things that I have been thinking about Groupon. It is BEAUTIFUL.
Startup office food run

Taken with picplz.
AirBnBgate – The Trailer

via I’m sorry, but the entire AirBnB scandal reminds me so much of Pacific Heights the movie that I had to go and find the trailer. Perfect. Next thing you know, we’ll be watching trailers for Single White Female for some TurntableFM stalking issue…