My favorite app of the week: Caffeine

Do you ever get annoyed because your Mac screen turns off regardless of your screensaver or timeout/security preferences? Well, I do. There are a few times when I want to keep the screen on because when it blanks out and password locks it causes my proxy or other apps to somehow jam or disconnect. I […]
Susan Kare prints – original Mac icons

For those of you who are reading the Steve Jobs biography you might have gotten to the early Macintosh days and stories from Susan Kare, the original designer of the Mac icons and fonts. You can actually buy some of these icons in limited edition prints online. We already have the Moof hanging in the […]
OSX Lion tip: Fix trackpad scrolling backwards

Damn you, Apple people. You can’t just go and change the direction that pages scroll on OSX Lion when you are using trackpads. Oh, wait. Steve Jobs, I guess you can… I hardly ever use my laptop in laptop mode so it took me until now to notice that when I use my trackpad it […]