Diving Ni’ihau Hawaii

A few months ago I went to Kauai, Hawaii and ended up going out to scuba dive Ni’ihau aka The Forbidden Isle. I went with the dive operator called Bubbles Below and had a great time. My only complaint is the crossing on the way back is a good 2 hours of pure hellish torture. Vomit […]
Introducing Nerdgirl HD

You may have noticed that there have been some changes around here to the site. I want to now introduce Nerdgirl HD to the world. I have decided to take control of my site, once again, and also consolidate several other sites that I have been contributing to into one giant portal of stuff (for […]
Underwater Sculptures by Jason de Caires Taylor

via Underwatersculptures.com I would love to dive and see these. Pretty freaking hauntingly awesome. Jason de Caires Taylor’s underwater sculptures create a unique, absorbing and expansive visual seascape. Highlighting natural ecological processes Taylor’s interventions explore the intricate relationships that exist between art and environment. His works become artificial reefs, attracting marine life, while offering the […]
Thrifty Tip of the Day: Bed Bath & Beyond Coupons Don’t Expire

Do you receive those 20% off Bed Bath & Beyond coupons in the mail as frequently as I do? If so, you should keep them instead of throwing them out when they pass their expiry date. BB & B will honor them even past the expiration date that is printed on it. I was let […]