I read that the National Rifle Association’s Institue for Legislative Action has released a list of organizations and celebrities that have supported anti-gun organizations or legislation. I suppose this is their terrorist tactics to have crazy gun people ban these folks, but I take it in a different way. I figure that I should support these organizations and celebrities. So here is the list. Go forth and give these people a hand! There is no need for guns. Seriously, people. Grow up and get a real hobby.
Here is what the NRA-ILA team had to say.
The following organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations. In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass anti-gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI “Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.” Many of these organizations were listed as “Campaign Partners,” for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton “assault weapons” ban. All have officially endorsed anti-gun positions.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/01/the-big-list-of-who-hates-guns/#ixzz2HInoulUM