We had a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills premier party on Monday to celebrate the latest season (and possibly only city worth watching). The ladies were back in their full ridiculous glory complete with recently overplumped lips galore.

The show started out with Bravo doing its best to milk Russell’s death. All the ladies gathered at The Maloof’s house so they could pretend to care about poor Taytay and her tragedy, but we all know that they were secretly gloating and wanting to point out that Russell was always a controlling asshole and clearly gay. Instead they put on their best fake faces and cried (sans facial movement) and tried to contribute something meaningful to the conversation. We were quite surprised that Camille managed to keep her passive aggressive mouth shut, but we suspect that she was overplumped and her lips were incapable of moving… Kim, who as you may recall hates Taylor, tried to throw in her opinion but, as always, everyone kind of pretended like she was a fruit fly in the room and swatted her out of the way.
Moving onwards past the milking of Russell’s passing we jumped into the pre-filmed portions of the show. This included a lot of annoying bickering between the Maloof and her plastic surgeon husband who was sporting an awful chinpube. Also featuring the Chef – Bernie or something – who might have the worst knife skills on the planet and has a not so secret hatred for Lisa Vanderpump and her little dog Jiggy.
Other notable scenes included recently divorced Camille Grammer slumming it now that she is poor and single by riding down a giant hill in her golf cart to look at her shoe collection from the Hamptons and bitch about Kelsey. Pandora’s posh boyfriend asks The Hair for her hand in marriage.