dreamhost screwup part III

Seriously? They “accidentally” overcharged their customers $7,500,000? I think that Josh – the shirtless retarded wonder – needs to be fired. Immediately. And I need to be reimbursed for the waste of 1 hour of my day trying to figure out this mess. Dreamhosts’s pathetic apology to the customers that they screwed
dreamhost screwup part II
Do we forgive and forget? Not sure how I’m feeling about this Dreamhost situation. I am, admittedly, a fan of their service for many many years now. But a fuck up on the scale of accidentally charging someone $500? Not that easily forgotten. What is a nerdgirl to do? Honestly – the email is cute, […]
dreamhost can suck a fat one
Oh, my beloved Dreamhost hosting service. They were always so good at everything that I recommended them to everyone. But today they really screwed up. Big time. Due to a glitch in the matrix, they overcharged everyone for an entire years worth of hosting. Ooops. This mistake cost me $490 in unforeseen charges. To top […]
meeting ryder

First time I held the little dude. Why do my hands look so damned big?