the best cartoon – EVER
I don’t know how I have gone this long without watching Pinky and the Brain. What has been missing in my life? SO MUCH! The best cartoon of all time. Correction to this: I have seen Pinky and the Brain – I just haven’t watched it in a really long time and forgot how good […]
the 80s
And speaking of Cousin Geri – man, the 80s were a great place. They just felt the need to talk about everything and somehow it wasn’t off limits as it would be in today’s world. Think about the movie Soul Man, for example. The tagline for this movie: Mark needs a scholarship to get into […]
cousin geri – pt II
It has been a good 5 years since I had something to say about Cousin Geri, but due to my ongoing fascination with Facebook and “getting in touch” with people which led some funny exchanges with Gabu, she somehow resurfaced.

I didn’t realise that I worked with such hipster men. The boys actually ended up on Esquire Magazine’s best dressed office in Britain list in 4th place! Damn that is hot. The Big M gets props for his fashion sense (biatches, Comme des Garçons – can we say surfing etrade?) – however, I’m not too […]