Remembering PeoplePC
Good old Marc John Jeffries of PeoplePC. Yep. That was a good 16 years ago.
Kaua’i Helicopter
I went to Kaua’i recently with my good friends Brandon and Russ. Whilst on the island we took a little helicopter tour with Blue Hawaiian. It was really awesome. I made a short video of our flight.
Year in Photos 2014
According to Google this is my year in photos 2014. Not quite sure it encapsulates the year in photos, but it is cute.
I wish every day were a double rainbow!

One of my all time favorite youtube videos. There is no way to watch this and not be happy. FULL ON!
Into My Arms

Because, hey, why not. I would say to play this at my funeral, but that upsets Bob so maybe I’ll just play it at his…
And We Used to Be Royals

So unfair, getting carded is getting rare.
sriracha – the movie

“Sriracha” documentary trailer from Griffin Hammond on Vimeo. Who doesn’t love sriracha? If you don’t then there is something really wrong with you and I should reconsider your friendship (if I even know you). I backed this documentary on Kickstarter and even have a credit in the post roll. Well me and like 5,000 other […]
Karaoke that I don’t suck at?

Super excited for my Singtrix to show up for the holiday season. If you love karaoke, but can’t sing then this is for you. It comes with a mic, a stand, a 40-watt 2.1 sound system complete with subwoofer, and a shelf to hold your phone or iPad. Users can also download the Singtrix Karaoke […]
Stairway to Heaven

There are a few songs that remind me of my early high school days, but none of them more than Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. This is a tribute done by Heart at the Kennedy Center. Talk about chills. Amazing performance.
my 13 year old dream

▶ Sixteen Candles Final Scene Movie Ending Video – YouTube. I mean, who didn’t want Jake in the Porsche to come pick them up?