Boyhood movie

Wow. I LOVED this movie. And the more I think about this movie, the more I love this movie. I was lucky enough to get a ticket to see it at the SF International Film Fest where they were giving Richard Linklater the Founder’s Directing Award presented by, my absolute favorite indie actress of all […]
my 13 year old dream

▶ Sixteen Candles Final Scene Movie Ending Video – YouTube. I mean, who didn’t want Jake in the Porsche to come pick them up?
Netflix pic of the week: Sherlock (BBC)

I have spent a lot of time indoors in the last 6 months, so I have had time to catch up on a lot of good (and bad) TV. I recently purchased a new Apple TV and I have to say that I am completely and utterly addicted to it. That is another post altogether. […]
Born With It

I saw that a former colleague of mine who lives in Japan had sponsored this project on Indiegogo, so I decided to take a look. ‘Born With It‘ is a short film about an African-Japanese boy who discovers for the first time that he is different from everyone else. The film will represent the director/writer, Emmanuel’s, […]
Awake trailer

This looks like an interesting show from NBC. The guy who is living with two realities. Series premier is March 1.
Sh!t the Dowager Countess Says

Damn it, she is amazing. Who doesn’t love her?!? She is like the bitchy gay queen of period dramas.
Miss Representation – must see movie?

The film explores how the media’s misrepresentation of women has led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. In a society where media is the most persuasive force shaping cultural norms, the collective message that our young women and men overwhelmingly receive is that a woman’s value and power lie in […]
Urbanized – a documentary by Gary Hustwit – a review

Let me start out this monologue by saying that I really loved the movie Helvetica by Gary Hustwit. People have said to me, “What? An entire movie about a font?!?”. Yes. It was a movie about a font. It was such an amazing movie that I ended up buying a copy for my Mom. Following […]
Louis Virtel strikes again – Verbal Vogueing the Facebook edition

Facebook needs a new slogan. How about, “Picture everyone you wanted to get ugly. It happened.” Love Louis Virtel. Even. More. Now. I love the Facebook status edition. Featuring Cathy references.
New Girl starring Zooey Deschanel – Is it worth watching?

FOX Series Premiere TUE 9/8c SEPT 20 We love Zooey Deschanel, so we are hoping the best for her latest show called New Girl premiering on Fox this fall. It sounds semi-awkward and like it might be an attempt to be the latest Friends meet How I meet your Mother, but we are willing to […]