sriracha – the movie

“Sriracha” documentary trailer from Griffin Hammond on Vimeo. Who doesn’t love sriracha?  If you don’t then there is something really wrong with you and I should reconsider your friendship (if I even know you).  I backed this documentary on Kickstarter and even have a credit in the post roll.  Well me and like 5,000 other […]

Breathometer – saving myself from a holiday dui?

The Breathometer showed up the other day from an indigogo campaign (and I guess they were also on Sharktank with Mark Cuban, but I never watch that show so I didn’t see it).  I have a bad indigogo/Kickstarter habit so I didn’t even remember backing this one.  Or maybe ironically I was drunk when I ordered […]

My reddit Secret Santa gift has arrived

How awesome!  My reddit Secret Santa sent me a cookbook that I have been wanting and also a bbq grill cover.  Both were on my amazon wishlist.  He did say that I am hard to shop for.  This is actually very, very true but somehow he managed to get awesome stuff.  Thanks, @frederikolafsen!