2 Broke Girls or 2 Annoying Girls?

Premieres, Monday, September 19, 9:30/8:30c Wondering if we are going to love or hate this show… Why does Caroline have a really bad wig? We do like Kat Dennings so we will give it a shot, but it is looking like some bad WB sitcom at this point. Thoughts?
Tips n Tricks: Git Cheat Sheet as desktop wallpaper

I love Github. Love love love. What a great contribution they make to the world of collaborative software development. I am an old dork who is used to using CVS, so I still forget a lot of git commands and am always looking them up. But not anymore. I downloaded a pretty git cheat sheet […]
Kindle Textbook Rental

via amazon.com I really didn’t know about this feature of Kindles. You can rent textbooks. I was browsing the site and saw that a book I was looking at had a “rent” option. Interesting. You basically choose how long you want to rent it and it quotes you different prices. From Amazon: Kindle Textbook Rental […]
Fiat 500 by Gucci

I love the Fiat 500. It is such a beautiful and classic looking car. Thinking about dumping the Smart and replacing it. And now there is the Gucci edition. LOVE IT.