Herro! I want a Clone Factory doll

via news.cnet.com Jibun-san wedding dolls made at the Clone Factory in Tokyo are kind of awesome, if not totally creepy. I want one. For the small price of $1,770…
Accidental Chinese Hipsters

via accidentalchinesehipsters.tumblr.com I love this tumblog. A-mazing.
I wanna dance – classic movie scene from Dazed and Confused

Sometimes I feel like this as well. But I'm not that good of a dancer.
Starbucks for Android

via starbucks.com I am a coffee fiend. I admit it. I drink a lot of Starbucks. People in SF think I am the anti-Christ because I drink the ‘bucks’. I don’t care what they think. And now instead of paying with my little card, I can pay with my Android phone. Finally. And you can […]