My first roll!

It isn’t cold enough in London to justify this outfit.

But it is one of my best friends, so I forgive his lack of fashion despite working in fashion.
my switching phone dilemma – or why Blackberry Messenger rocks

I am having a phone dilemma these days. For the past 2 years I’ve been carrying around an iPhone and a Blackberry in what I like to refer to as my “sandwich”. The iPhone only gets used as a music player and browsing device. The Blackberry is used for calls, email and, most importantly, Blackberry […]
I have to say that I’m not that cold here in London.

via Yes, everyone is freaking out. Yes, people are freezing. But I am staring out the window at sun in London. I’m confused, I guess.
I don’t understand the London obsession with stealthing out cars. Ghetto fabulous or just ghetto?

Geek toys that I need – Sprint Overdrive 4G mobile hotspot

via This looks pretty promising if not slightly bulky. But the 4G speeds sound pretty darned good.