Post warning: Boys you may not want to read this…
Wow, that title sounds like my blog has totally been spammed. But this is actually me writing this post.
I have just returned home after having a laser hair removal session at my local beauty spa and I am so amazed with it that I felt the need to share.
For those of you who have read nerdgirl for a while, you might remember back when I was doing laser hair removal before. It was not a very pleasant experience. In fact, it was downright painful. Equivalent to having hot pins stuck in your repeatedly. At the time I suffered through about 3-4 treatments and then decided that I could take it no more and quit. I went back to waxing – which is also a giant pain, time consuming and generally annoying.
BTW, let’s just assume that I am referring to my legs when discussing this…
So why did I decide to venture back into the painful world of laser hair removal after being traumatised so badly the last time?
When I was visiting my local salon I noticed a flyer talking about a brand new painless laser hair removal technique. I was intrigued. The flyer stated that they were using a new laser called the Soprano XL and that it was “virtually” painless. I thought of this as some typical marketing fluff. Last time I researched laser eveything said it didn’t hurt and, guess what, it hurt like hell. But I was willing to give it another shot and since they had a free patch test and consultation, I figured why not…
The consultation was pretty lengthy with the therapist explaining every detail of the treatment to me. Including what to do before and after – such as no tanning, no waxing, etc… Then she did the patch test. I didn’t feel a thing. But then there was no hair where she was testing so that figured. I made her change the area to make sure that it wasn’t the same hot pins being stuck into my skin feeling of the last laser. It seemed ok. So I booked an appointment.
As I arrived to my first treatment, I was still a bit apprehensive. I remembered my last laser and there were some areas that didn’t hurt while others KILLED. The therapist did her best to put me at ease.
And then it began.
You have to shave the night before and show up with smooth skin. The therapist asks you a few questions about your health. Then you get some funky sunglasses to protect yourself from the laser light. The therapist slathers some cooling gel on the area and then busts out the laser. It looks a bit Star Warsy. Then she goes to work passing the laser over a specific area about 10 times.
And the best part?
It really is painfree! Seriously. There is some slight – and I mean VERY slight – heat and a little bit of poking, but this literally goes away in 3 seconds. It is nowhere near as painful as the last laser or even a wax. Took her 40 minutes or so and we chatted away the entire time. It is absolutely amazing!
I was so convinced that I booked myself a course of 5 treatments which is about the recommended number of sessions to permanently rid yourself of unwanted hair. The treatment prices aren’t that bad either especially considering what you would pay for waxing. It basically adds up to a year of waxing, but for permanent removal. They also tell you that you should have a “top up” once a year for any stray hairs that grow back.
It all seems worth it right now. Guess I have to wait about 6 months to see the full results, just in time for beach season! Yipee.
Where can you get this done?
Beauty Works West
W11, London
+44 207 221 2248
Just don’t book up the time when I want to do it!
More on how the laser works