ruined lives
Well, Bob, we got an Atomic Clock from Stephanie. We will send her a thank you note just like she always does. Joan wants to put it over the fire place in the living room. I have read the instructions and it sounds like you have to be a nuclear, or is it nucular, engineer […]
banned words

I was sitting here watching The Girls of the Playboy Mansion this evening and in one scene they bleeped out the word Hoe. But then they allowed the word Bitches. This got me thinking about what is considered a banned word on US television. Turns out that isn’t a list, per se, put out by […]
my nephew – the sumo

Ryder at 1 1/2 months. Damn this kid is big! And he’s got Graham’s giant noggin. Also amazing to note that the Japanese blood is so dominate that it pretty much washes every other feature out. But he is a cutie buddha.
micro blogging is ruining my life
I have found that with the onset of millions of social networkings sites that my digital life is becoming so complicated that I can barely find time to keep it up. I am constantly updating Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and reading my Netvibes. I have also found that I blog far less than I used to. […]