nintendo dorkette

I’ve been eyeing up the Nintendo DS unit for a while, but hadn’t given in to my gadget geek nature and bought one. Even though Nintendo was tempting me with cute colours and very cute games. Well, that didn’t last too long. I finally gave in and purchased one in Hong Kong airport before a 12 hour flight. The clincher that sealed the deal was the fact that they had a special bundle of a limited edition red DS coupled with a case (I love cases) and the brain training game. Whoohoo! Total purchase price ended up being something like £118.


Since purchasing the DS, I have also purchased a few games. Sim City, Cooking Mama and Sims Pets. The later two I only bought today so I can’t really say if they are good or not.

The skinny?
So far I’m really enjoying the DS. I previously owned a Gameboy, but I got sick of it after a few weeks and shoved it into a drawer to never return again. Let’s hope that my attention span lasts a little bit longer on the DS given my total investment into it so far.

I really like the dual, touch-screen. I think this technology is super cool and brings a different level to game play from the standard thumb controls. In fact, I haven’t even used the thumb controls on any of the games that I own yet. I also like the varying catalogue of games that are available. I can have my cute games, but also some other fun things like Sim City (well, fun for a geek like me). The brain game is pretty interesting as well, although it does say that my brain age is 42 which sort of pisses me off.

Overall I’m happy with my DS. Now let’s just see when I can get my brainage down to that of an 18 year old.