I always have my stupid little projects in the works. Those things to do on rainy nights when I’m bored at home. Need to make myself a little list to keep up because they are slowly piling up.
1 ) Neuros – get the damned firmware upgraded and get the wifi USB dongle working
2 ) Make a new PC for downstairs to watch movies on the Bravia or figure out how to stream movies from upstairs to downstairs with the Neuros
3 ) Figure out the settings on the sewing maching so I can hem my jeans
4 ) Mount the LCD in my room on the wall
5 ) Finish playing Call of Duty 3
6 ) Kill of my Sims and then bring them back to life
7 ) Record some crap off the TV and see if I can get it onto the iPod
8 ) Organise my mp3s and get rid of all the shit that is named incorrectly
9 ) Line the kitchen drawers with liner (this is the last straw of boredom and will probably never happen)
10 ) Figure out what to do with travelbugged.org with the other nerds
There are a few more things that I need to do, such as moving the Bose system downstairs and hooking up the surround sound. The problem with that is it means that I have to find an iPod speaker system that doesn’t actually suck for my bedroom and that is proving to be difficult.
Enough geek for today…